1 The Seller undertakes to dispatch the Goods and Services by courier to the Buyer or to deliver them personally to a registered place of business.
Transport - Packaging
2 Unless otherwise agreed by the Seller and the Buyer separately, the Seller discharges the risks and liabilities associated with the Goods and Services upon delivery of the Goods and Services to the courier company with which the Seller works. The Seller shall ensure proper packaging of the Goods and Services and shall ensure the transmission of the accompanying documents on a durable medium (print/email or on-site to the Buyer's account). The Seller shall deliver the Goods and Services within Romania.
On-site services
3 The Seller may provide, at the Buyer's express request, services consisting of unloading, installation, start-up and acceptance of delivery. These services shall be negotiated directly between the Seller and the Buyer as regards price, payment terms and conditions of their provision.
Parcel opening service on delivery
4 The Seller may offer, at the express request of the Buyer or free of charge for certain products, the service of opening the parcel on delivery. This shall ensure that the condition of the outer packaging and the visual appearance of the contents are checked on receipt of the packages. The receipt signature certifies that the products have been properly delivered.